Large cities in the United States in recent years have been plagued with a rash of smash-and-grab robberies perpetrated by millennials in masks. If you are unfamiliar with the term “smash-and-grab”, the descriptor is exactly what it sounds like. A gang of hoodlums enter a store, smash glass countertops and display cases, and steal merchandise. The sweat pant clad robbers then flee, loaded with handbags, jewelry or designer clothes, leaving shoppers standing with gaping mouths in shocked disbelief. YouTube has plenty of unsteady cell phone smash-and-grab videos if you wish to watch the mayhem.i
Experts have many opinions as to why millennials are committing coordinated group theft. Some cite Proposition 47 in Californiaii, others cite insufficient police resources. Those are the more credible sounding reasons. Non-credible and absurd excuses abound.
But there is one big reason that America is being terrorized by millennial looters that few wish to acknowledge, and that is simply this: young people are acting like the brazen thieves their godless socialist educators have taught them to be.
Young people are taught there is no God, that there is no such thing as God’s law and there is no such thing as sin. They are taught that if it feels right, do it, that they can change their gender, that it is fine to abort their in-utero babies. In fact, they are encouraged to abort their babies because there are too many people on the planet, which is bad for climate change.
They are told that they evolved through natural selection. They are taught that there is no meaning to life. They are taught the common good overrules individual property rights.iii This is an argument created to justify theft.
They have been raised on violent video games where their characters steal, and murder and break the law. Millions play in never-ending tournaments where the single objective is to kill and steal more than opponents.
Most of their educators are socialists who hate the Constitution and capitalism, and is it any surprise that they have been taught to be socialists, too?
This is their education. They have been taught that there is no such thing as the truth, only their truth. And their truth is that they need those Luis Vuitton handbags a whole lot more than the stores do.
If this were a grand experiment, with projections about the outcome made in the 1960s at the outset by the scientists carrying out the tests, what projections would be made about the behavior of individuals subjected to such teachings from their youth? What ought to be anticipated about the products of such an education? Would one expect such people to be law-abiding citizens? Could it be projected that they would be principled, noble and responsible? Does anyone think such an education is conducive to creating God-fearing people who love their neighbor as themselves?
Of course there are smash-and-grabs in major cities by young people!!! Of course there are gangs of adolescents assaulting people in broad daylight!iv Of course Americas’ cities are full of crime and drugs and wrecks of human beings!! Of course San Francisco is full of feces and needles on the sidewalk, and stores that are closing and leaving town because they cannot stand the filth and the crime and the lack of law enforcement!
For decades now, the western world has existed on a steady entertainment diet of violence and immorality and evil music inspired by demonic forces. People love to watch two men or women bludgeon each other into submission. Of course the streets are unsafe! Of course there are blood-chilling murders and crime of the worst sort across the nation on a daily basis. We live in a perfect storm of immorality, selfishness, and love of violence.
What happens when you constantly feed violence and immorality and wickedness of every sort to people whose hearts are naturally wicked in the first place? God’s word declares that the heart of mankind without Him is “deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked” (Jeremiah 17:9). What, honestly, do people expect?
The Bible warns that in the last days perilous times shall com. Perilous, dangerous, uncertain times. The Scriptures teach that at the end, people will be “lovers of their own selves, covetous,v boasters,vi proud,vii blasphemers,viii disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy.”ix And they are.
We are told multitudes in the last generations will be without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God.” And it is true.
There is no millennium of peace coming on this world, as the popular churches preach. How could there be a millennium of peace with a world like this? There will be no “men becoming gods”, the favorite delusion of the elite. Rather, it is as it was foretold, “in the last days, perilous times shall come.” And they have.
Jesus asked, “When the Son of Man returns will He find faith on the earth” (Luke 18:8)? What about you, friend? Look around you. Are you ready to meet the God of the Universe when He returns, or are you running with the doomed herd? Jesus has bought you with His own blood because He loves you, and wants to give you a new heart. A clean, pure, undefiled heart that loves righteousness, not wickedness. And He says to each one of us, “Seek ye the Lord while He may be found, call ye upon Him while He is near” (Isaiah 55:6). Let us do so while the door of mercy is still open.
i;;;;;; ; ;
ii Prop 47, as it is known, increased the amount a person can steal before being charge with a felony, from $450 to $950. This change has emboldened criminals and encouraged petty theft, as one obviously would expect.
v “You will own nothing and be happy.”
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