In the Gospel of Matthew, the story is recounted of Jesus casting out a legion of evil spirits from two demon possessed men at Gergesa.1 The men were living in the tombs near the sea and were a violent terror to the citizens of that area. No one could control them.
Incredibly, profoundly, Jesus crossed the ocean to rescue them – the most seemingly hopeless and wretched of all humanity.
That is good news for every one of us, without exception. Jesus came to seek and to save the lost.2 If you long for peace and forgiveness of sins, and to be in your right mind, Jesus is the Great Physician. Rest assured, He knows just how to fix us!
When His boat reached shore, Jesus entered into intentional and immediate confrontation with the demons. He cast them out into a herd of pigs that were feeding on a nearby hilltop.
The demons were forced to leave, and the men’s sanity returned. But when the demons entered the pigs, it was the pigs’ turn to go insane. They went careening off a cliff into the ocean, and were drowned.
It must have been an incredible and horrific scene.
The story is an apt metaphor for our day, here at the end of the world. Prophecy tells us that there will be two groups of people at the very end – those who have been cleansed, like the demoniacs, and those who remain filthy, like the pigs:
And he saith unto me, Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at hand. He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still. 3
It is a startling Bible teaching that at the end, there is no one in between. The cleansed are cleansed forever. The maddened demon possessed herd will tear this world apart, just before the return of Christ. We are told that there will be a time of trouble such as never was.4 Then the end will come.
So, are there lessons to be learned from the demonic mass psychosis of the herd?
If there is anything the past three years ought to have taught the average man or woman (and we solemnly affirm the continued existence of same), it is to be wary of established popular orthodoxy. If the mainstream media authoritatively declares it, if the academics trample each other in their rush to write “peer reviewed” papers on it,5 if the government compels it and punishes dissent of it, then the remaining thinking, binary, men and woman should be on guard.
When the herd begins to move, watch out. It is unreasoning, mad, and dangerous. Those who have been trampled bear their testimonies and their scars. The question is, are we listening?
There are a legion of people who rolled up their sleeves for Pfizer or Moderna’s dangerous Covid shot and got myocarditis, or worse.6 There are hosts of reported injuries,7 including most recently, Jamie Foxx.8 The silent testimony of tens of thousands of fatalities ought to be the ultimate byword of warning. But are we listening?
The terrible cult of transgenderism has claimed tens of thousands of victims. Today, the authorities of the western world have gone so far as to inform thinking men and women that there are no such thing as men and women, and that men can get pregnant.8 Media and academics viciously attack dissenters. Disagreement with madness is said to be “hate”.
But it is not hate to feel sorrow for those who rush off the cliff. It is not hate to call a warning to the people standing on the train tracks. On the contrary. Indifference in the face of tragedy is sociopathy.
Exploitative corporations such as Target,10 the Los Angeles Dodgers,11 and now Chick-Filet,12 and many others, are exhibit “A” as they rush to cash in on the madness. Instead of utilizing corporate influence to stand for virtue, not to mention biology, these corporations are entirely indifferent to the immense suffering of the youth who only realize later that they have made a life-long and irreversible error.13
These corporations are profiting from the mutilation of children, and so are the doctors.
Imagine being a doctor, having a (figuratively and literally) unconscious child victim on the gurney, and intentionally cutting into their perfectly healthy reproductive organs and removing them, knowing full well that the child is brainwashed and will likely only wake up to the reality of the irreversible tragedy of what has been done to them when they are twenty.14
These are our generation’s Josef Mengeles, except the victims today are children deceived by TikTok and the ideology pushed by media, academics and the public school system.
The herd claims these mutilations are based on sound “science”, pointing to the ideologically-motivated changes in diagnostic manuals for psychiatric illness. These 2013 changes removed the diagnosis of “gender identity disorder” as a mental illness, and substituted the diagnosis of “gender dysphoria”, and its recommended treatments of affirmation, and sex-reassignment surgery.
This means doctors have a “scientific” excuse to inform a child that they really are trapped in the wrong body, and the only way to fix the problem is with cross-sex hormones and surgery.
Manipulating textbooks will not exonerate guilty men and women before the judgment seat of God. Changing textbooks does not turn wickedness into goodness.
It takes courage to leave the herd when it goes insane.
But the last message of mercy to planet earth is a final Gospel appeal to all those who are rushing with them toward the edge of the cliff. God’s final call to humanity is a last message of mercy: “Come out of her, my people, that you be not partakers of her sins, and that you receive not of her plagues”.15
Jesus paid an inestimable price, Reader, for you. The Son of God laid down His life for you, to buy you back. And He calls to you right now: Come out, my son. My daughter. Come out, my people.
As the Apostle Paul said, “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds.”16
This is the promise of the Gospel for all who repent and believe.
And the herd rushes on.
Part 2 of this article will examine one of the most pervasive false orthodoxies of all: the theory of evolution. The Bible teaches that we have a loving Creator, and Redeemer. Evolution, the ‘religion’ of the herd, on the other hand, teaches that there is no God, no meaning to life, and most recently by leading philosophers such as Yuval Noah Harari, principle advisor to the WEF, that human beings are a meaningless blip on the evolutionary continuum toward the development of an artificial super intelligence. Harari goes so far as to say there is no right or wrong, there is no meaning to life, and that human rights are a fiction.
1 Matthew 8:28-34
2 Luke 19:10 – “For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.”
3. Revelation 22:10, 11
4. Daniel 12:1
15 Revelation 18:4.
16 Romans 12:2.
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