If there is today any single mainstream, global orthodoxy masquerading as truth, it is without a doubt, the false doctrine of evolution. The theory is so mainstream people don’t even refer to it as “the theory of evolution” anymore. It is just simply – “evolution”. As in, gravity is gravity. Water is wet. Evolution is evolution. Move on, already.
As we’ve seen with Covid, however, it is imperative to ask questions, especially regarding compulsory narratives. If the media, the public school, the government, the medical complex, and the WHO want to compel you to think a certain way, you ought to be a skeptic by default.
Evolution is a godless theory, espoused by godless individuals. Evolution teaches that the origins of life occurred through a random combination of amino acids billions of years ago, and progressively evolved to the vast interconnected complexity that is observed today. All birds. All fish. All humans. All the biodiversity. The insects. Everything. All, according to the theory of evolution, come from a single cell, and developed through natural selection.
There are at least a billion problems with the theory, so many, in fact, that in 2019 over a thousand doctoral scientists signed a public statement dissenting from Darwinism.1 It states the following:
We are skeptical of claims for the ability of random mutation and natural selection to account for the complexity of life. Careful examination of the evidence for Darwinian theory should be encouraged. There is scientific dissent from Darwinism. It deserves to be heard.
But evolution has no intention of having a public debate over its legitimacy. That is not what strongmen do. And most of the scientific world glosses over all of evolution’s glaring and ridiculously obvious flaws with a single BandAid: time. Time is the essential answer to all objections.
You’ve likely heard the analogy about the junkyard and the hurricane. If you give a hurricane four billion years in a junkyard, who knows what amazing machines will be assembled, right? A working telescope? Or (profoundly more complex) the human eye? You can’t say it can’t happen because you’re not going to be alive that long.
That’s basically the theory of evolution.
But when you dig into the implications of evolution instead of assuming it is correct because the overlords who run the Matrix inform you it is, you realize it not only is impossible from a scientific or rational point of view, but you also begin to realize how dark it is.
Evolution, distilled and refined to its logical conclusions, inevitably results in darkness. Hopelessness. Oppression. Indifference. Suicide. Murder. Genocide.
Evolution teaches that there is no meaning to life. It was, and still is, an accident. Since it is an accident, there is no purpose, and no reason to continue to struggle and suffer. That thought alone has driven many a youth to suicide.
Evolution also teaches that the strong survive. Since there is strength in numbers, collectivism and tribalism is the best model of survival. Collectivism creates strength. Companionship. Collaboration. On the other hand, individualism and dissent weakens the collective. It is undesirable.
Survival of the fittest prioritizes aggression. Manipulation. Selfishness. Might makes right. The ends justify the means. Competition for supposedly scarce resources is fierce. So, strike hard, and strike first.
These are all principles inherent in evolutionary thought. There is no golden rule in the evolutionary paradigm. Why would there be? The golden rule is nothing but an impediment to natural selection.
So, we see that there is in Darwinism that which creates outright hostility to the rights of others. Or, in other words, evolution has no room for individual rights.
Consider the implications of the public-school curriculum in the United States, which mandates the teaching of evolution as fact, and has for many decades now.
Evolution is directly antagonistic to the principles of the U.S. Declaration of Independence, which holds “these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”2
Evolution, however, teaches U.S. school children that there is no Creator. He did not endow His creation with anything, because He does not exist. He did not create a humanity, the individuals of which are each recognized as equally valuable in His sight. Therefore, God gave neither life nor liberty.
These teachings directly undermine the very idea of America. They are not only antagonistic to its founding principles, they are contrary to the best interests of its misguided youth, and all of its inhabitants. Teaching children there is no meaning or purpose to life is certainly child abuse. But, to compel children to believe there is no Creator, no purpose to life, and no such thing as inalienable rights is a betrayal of the principles of the Republic.
We can also see that force-feeding evolution creates major problems for a social structure which is significantly based on the protection of minority rights, and individual rights.
Take property rights, for example.
Could it be that the public school curriculum is directly responsible for the creation of the smash-and-grab thugs who terrorize major American cities today? Is it possible that teaching youth that there is no God and no Ten Commandments creates young people who reject law and order, and who disdain the rights of others?
And don’t be deceived by the socialist pope: God believes in property rights. That’s why He commands, “Thou shalt not steal.”
If there’s no God, and no objective right and wrong, how can there any objection to the majority oppressing the minority? Who is there to object? Is there any objection to murder, even?
In the evolutionary worldview, how is murder distinguishable from natural selection? And who has the moral authority to say it is different? Your fellow descendant from the primordial ooze, more recently the cousin of the chimpanzee?
These questions bring us to consideration of the globalist powers of our day. Should anyone be surprised that the tyrants of the WEF and the WHO are fervent adherents to the self-centered religion of Darwin? The thugs of San Francisco reject private property rights, and is it surprising that globalist thugs do the same? If most of the people on earth will “own nothing and be happy”, who is going to own everything?
Simple. The elites will own everything, having stolen it all from everyone else.
We know that Professor Yuval Noah Harari, best-selling author, professor, and principal advisor to the WEF’s Klaus Schwab, has drunk deeply from the Darwinian well. Harari has repeatedly made public insinuations that there are no moral barriers at all to the termination of most of the “useless humans” on planet earth. Harari recognizes no God, and no such thing as human rights. His work is endorsed by Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, and Barack Obama.3
You can and should hear Harari discuss his ideas at the 2023 Frontier Institute conference.4
In popular presentations and in best-selling books, Harari asserts the following:
Human rights, like God, are just a fiction, a story that we have invented.
Harari darkly states that if you cut a human open, you’ll find a heart, a liver, and a spleen, but no rights.7
Should we be surprised by Harari, or the sudden plethora of tyrants like him? Harari’s overtly sociopathic musings regarding the elimination of so-called “useless humans” is the natural conclusion of Darwinism.
The textbook definition of sociopathy as an antisocial personality disorder is characterized primarily by disregard for others and a lack of empathy. In other words, a lack of conscience.
Should we be surprised that Harari is also a nihilist? Shouldn’t it be an axiom by now that Darwinism in the end always creates nihilists? Isn’t that a predictable “evolution”? And hasn’t humanity seen it before?
Stalin is said to have read Darwin’s Origin of the Species in one night, unable to put it down. It was Darwin which led Stalin to conclude that there is no God.
The following story is recounted of Stalin’s youth by Yaroslavsky, while Stalin was still in his formative years.
At a very early age, while still a pupil in the ecclesiastical school, Comrade Stalin developed a critical mind and revolutionary sentiments. He began to read Darwin and became an atheist.
G. Glurdjidze, a boyhood friend of Stalin's, relates:
"I began to speak of God, Joseph heard me out, and after a moment's silence, said:
"'You know, they are fooling us, there is no God. . . .'
"I was astonished at these words, I had never heard anything like it before.
"'How can you say such things, Soso?' I exclaimed.
"'I'll lend you a book to read; it will show you that the world and all living things are quite different from what you imagine, and all this talk about God is sheer nonsense,' Joseph said.
"'What book is that?' I enquired.
"'Darwin. You must read it,' Joseph impressed on me".8
Another commenter on Stalin’s policies stated the following:
". . .in order to disabuse the minds of our seminary students of the myth that the world was created in six days, we had to acquaint ourselves with the geological origin and age of the earth, and be able to prove them in argument; we had to familiarize ourselves with Darwin's teachings."9
In China, Mao Tse Tung was also a Darwinist. For Mao, Darwin provided the catalyst for rebellion as a right. As noted by China scholar James Pusey,
Mao Tse-tung finally claimed that Marxism-Leninism could all be boiled down to one sentence, tsao fan yu li — “To rebel is justified” — but that standard translation obscures the force of the li (reason or principle) that rebellion was now said to have. That Neo-Confucian word in [its] new context really meant that rebellion was a natural law, and that lesson had been taught to Mao Tse-tung not by Marx but by Sun Yat-sen and Liang Ch’i-ch’ao, who had learned it, rightly or wrongly, from Darwin. For the li of revolution, they had said, lay in evolution.10
According to Sir Arthur Keith, Adolph Hitler “consciously sought to make the practice of Germany conform to the theory of evolution.”11 Should this surprise anyone? Isn’t Untermensch just another word for “useless people”?
What Harari is teaching is age-old darkness. But, in largely accepting the theory of evolution into their doctrines, much of the Christian world has made a compromise with darkness, and no longer recognizes it for what it is. But there is nothing Biblical or Christian about evolution, and there is nothing evolutionary about Christianity. The two ideas are diametrically antagonistic to each other, and always will be.
Christianity has as its foundation a self-sacrificing Creator God who came to reunite God and Man, and to pay the penalty of sin. His followers, receiving the promise of a new heart and mind, are commanded to live for the good and salvation of others. They are even willingly to “die daily”.12 Nothing could be further from the teachings of evolution. Evolution is a greedy, grasping religion, built on the deification of self, openly embracing Machiavellianism, and rejecting the value of the individuals for whom Christ laid down His life.
There are Christians who foolishly attempt to reconcile the Bible with the theory of evolution, but this cannot be. Evolution recognizes no Creation, no Creator, no Fall, no such thing as sin, no need for an atonement, no resurrection, and no judgment. Attempting to reconcile the teachings of Jesus Christ with those of Charles Darwin is a delusion.
It is no mystery who inspired the theory of evolution. Satan was a liar and a murderer from the beginning,13 and it is unsurprising that his masterpiece of deception, evolution, is an integral cog in the last-day plan for the global elimination of all the so-called “useless people”. The original title of Darwin’s notorious work from 1859 was, “On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life”. It was a work of eugenics from the beginning.
We can see the storm clouds gathering on the horizon. Most animals recognize the warning signs of impending danger, and head for cover. However, it may be that most of humanity is already too brainwashed to recognize its peril.
Crowds of cheering people listen enthusiastically to Harari lay out the globalist justifications for mass genocide, which presumably includes the elimination of the vast majority of people who clap for him.
1 https://thenewamerican.com/over-1-000-scientists-openly-dissent-from-evolution-theory/
Only rudimentary microscopes were available in Darwin’s time. It is now observed, however, that one human cell is more complex than a mid-size city at rush hour. This complexity was unknown to Darwin, who himself was given pause by the sight of a peacock’s feather in 1860 when he wrote, “The sight of a feather in a peacock's makes me sick." He could not account for its complexity.
2 https://www.archives.gov/founding-docs/declaration-transcript
https://www.breitbart.com/pre-viral/2023/06/29/supreme-court-racial-preferences-unconstitutional-college/ - the Constitution ought to be color blind. It is a biblical doctrine that we all are of one blood: Acts 17:26.
4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azwt2pxn3UI
7 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nzj7Wg4DAbs – minute 9:25 on.
8. E. Yaroslavsky, Landmarks in the Life of Stalin (Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing house, 1940), pp. 8-12.
9. Ibid, pp. 8-17
10. Pusey, James Reeve, China and Charles Darwin, Harvard University Press, 1983.
11. Arthur Keith, Evolution and Ethics, Putnam’s, New York, 1949, p. 230.
12. 1 Cor 15:31
13. John 8:44: “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will d. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.”
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